If you are not satisfied, please contact us either by phone at (716) 674-3736 or via email at customerservice@colonial-liquor.com. We will work with you to remedy the problem. However, except under special circumstances, all sales are final.
If you wish to modify or cancel an order, please contact us as soon as possible-within 24 hours of placing the order is best. Outside of this time window there is a chance that your order has already been processed or shipped.
If you have received your goods but changed your mind or no longer need the item, we apologize but we cannot accept a return. Please understand that this is because we cannot account for what conditions the wine was exposed to during transit or while in your possession and therefore would not be able to offer it for sale again in the store -- we are committed to providing our customers with quality goods.
In the rare instance we incorrectly fulfilled your order and you have received an incorrect item, we will send you a return label to affix to the original packaging with instructions on how to arrange for a FedEx pickup. We will then ship the correct or missing items to you or provide you with a refund for the product depending on your wishes.
We are not liable for any damages to goods caused by weather conditions and other "Acts of God" during transportation. Because weather conditions can change drastically at any time, we also assume no liability for damage caused by changes in weather during transportation.